If you have kids in your home, then you know that Christmas is a huge deal! And kids are going to want to ensure that their flocked artificial Christmas trees are going to be something that they love. If you do this, you are going to find that the kids are going to love Christmas even more when the tree is decorated in something that they love. With this being said, we have some great themes that you can use on your flocked artificial Christmas trees that your kids will love.
For Little Girls: Go Princess Theme
Princesses are typically associated with pink and all things fluffy when you think of them. While you can choose to decorate your tree with a pink theme, there are a number of ways you can make this have a slightly more Christmassy vibe. If you still want to use pink because you adore it, go ahead. But match this with silver. This will easily add some sparkle to your tree. If purple is a color you particularly adore and it goes nicely with your princess motif, you may also use it.
Unicorns Are All The Rage
There are a ton of ornaments that you can use on these flocked artificial Christmas trees because unicorns are so fashionable. To make the unicorns come to life, you might go one step further and cover the tree in garland in rainbow colors. And be sure to use a unicorn topper on this tree to make this come to life.
If your kids are into gaming, then be sure to decorate your trees in a video game that they love. You will find that you can easily decorate this with the characters of their game to make them love this even more. Let them have a decision as to what you choose to put on the tree, they will love this!
For those who do want to make their flocked artificial Christmas trees something that their kids will love, then you need to listen to what your kids are going to want. Be sure to sit down and ask them what they would like to see on the tree. And be ready to make some changes to what they may want, when one wants one and the other wants something else. Or be more creative with this and create something that is a mash up of two themes that they want. You will find that this is going to be unique to your kids and they may love it even more!
The main thing is to remember that your kids are going to be dictating what you decorate these trees with, so that this is something that is more personal to them. They are going to love this, while it may not be up to your decor standards, they are going to love the end results, which is what matters. And who knows, they may continue this tradition with their own kids one day!